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US Warns Iran Not to Reduce Cooperation With UN Nuclear Agency

The United States has warned Iran against heading into a "downward spiral" of non-cooperation with the U.N. nuclear agency, IAEA.

Earlier Wednesday, Iran's parliament passed a bill authorizing the government to revise its compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

A State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said further reductions in Iran's cooperation with the agency would likely lead to more IAEA reports of additional Iranian non-compliance.

The bill approved by Iran's conservative-controlled parliament also tells the government to "accelerate" Iran's nuclear activities.

Last week, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution that imposes sanctions on Iran's controversial nuclear program. World leaders praised the resolution, but top Iranian officials vowed to speed up the country's uranium enrichment activities.

The U.N. resolution is an effort to stop uranium enrichment work in Iran that could be used in nuclear bombs. Iran insists its atomic program is for peaceful purposes.

The United States pushed for the sanctions resolution, after Iran ignored an August 31 U.N. deadline to suspend uranium enrichment.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.