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Rift Valley Fever Kills 74 in Kenya, Spreads to Coast

Kenyan officials say an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever has killed at least 74 people as it spreads from the country's northeast to the coast.

The officials say more than 200 Kenyans have been infected with the disease since mid-December. Rift Valley Fever can cause weakness, back pain, dizziness and weight loss, and may lead to death through bleeding.

The virus typically spreads during and after flooding through mosquito bites and direct contact with infected livestock. Most of the victims are herders who wander the land with their livestock.

The fever outbreak was previously confined to Kenya's northeastern province, but officials say it has now crossed into the neighboring coastal province to the south.

Kenya's government is urging people to reduce contact with livestock and is distributing thousands of mosquito nets.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.