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Venezuela's Chavez Insults OAS Chief, Calls for His Resignation


The head of the Organization of American States, Jose Insulza, says he will not respond to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who called for Insulza's resignation on Monday.

The OAS chief said Tuesday he will not exchange insults with anyone, especially chiefs of state of member nations.

Mr. Chavez used a vulgar Spanish term "pendejo" for Insulza and called for his resignation during a speech in Venezuela.

Insulza earlier had expressed concern about a decision by the Venezuelan government not to renew the broadcasting license of a television channel that has criticized Chavez policies. Insulza said the move could be regarded as "censorship of freedom of expression."

In the same speech Monday, Mr. Chavez announced plans to nationalize electric power generators and the country's largest telecommunications company, CANTV. He also asked the National Assembly to grant him sweeping powers so that he can transform the country into a socialist nation as he has promised.

Critics say he is steering the country toward a Cuban-style one-party dictatorship.

Mr. Chavez will be sworn in Wednesday to a second six-year term as president of Venezuela.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.