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Egypt Calls for Investigation Into Reported Israeli War Crimes in 1967

Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit has asked Israel to investigate charges that Israeli troops may have killed Egyptian prisoners during the 1967 Six-Day War.

Aboul Gheit and his Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, discussed the controversy Tuesday in Brussels, where the two were attending a European Union meeting.

Livni says the claims are not justified and she has asked Aboul Gheit to try to ease tensions that have mounted in Egypt over the allegation.

The charges emerged when Egyptian media reported on a recent Israeli TV documentary. Egyptian news reports claimed the documentary said an Israeli military unit killed 250 Egyptian POWs at the end of the war.

An Egyptian parliamentary committee Tuesday threatened to review economic relations and agreements with Israel if the incident is not investigated.

The Israeli filmmaker who created the documentary says the Egyptian media distorted his film. He says the incident involved Palestinian guerrillas killed in battle during the war, not unarmed Egyptian prisoners.

Israel has agreed to hand over a copy of the film and its transcript to Egypt.

On Monday, Israeli Cabinet Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer postponed a visit to Egypt because of rising tensions over the documentary. Ben-Eliezer commanded the military unit at the center of the controversy.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.