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British PM Calls for More Sanctions Against Zimbabwe

British Prime Minister Tony Blair is calling on the European Union to impose tougher sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Mr. Blair told parliament Wednesday that Britain plans to push the EU to widen sanctions introduced in 2002, and extend an asset freeze and travel ban on top Zimbabwean officials.

He also called African countries to apply more pressure on Zimbabwe's government.

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has come under harsh international criticism for a crackdown on political opponents and a failure to relieve the county's economic crisis.

Also in London Wednesday, British police arrested 10 people who staged a sit-in at the Zimbabwean embassy. The group was protesting recent events in Zimbabwe.

Police say the event was peaceful but that the seven men and three women were trespassing on diplomatic premises.

The protesters are supporters of Zimbabwe's main opposition group, the Movement for Democratic Change.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.