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Rwandan Genocide Suspect Arrested in US

Rwandan officials say a man suspected of involvement in the country's 1994 genocide has been arrested trying to enter the United States.

Officials say Isaac Kamali was arrested Wednesday while travelling on a French passport.

Kamali was a top official in Rwanda's former ruling party, which is largely blamed for planning and executing the genocide. The Kigali Times newspaper says he has been accused of taking part in killings, lootings and destruction of Tutsi property.

Foreign Minster Charles Murigande says he hopes Kamali will be extradited to Rwanda, but he says the French passport could complicate those efforts.

Rwanda severed diplomatic ties with France in November after a French judge said Rwandan President Paul Kagame should be prosecuted for his alleged role in the death of his predecessor.

The United Nations estimates that Hutu extremists killed 800,000 Tutsis and politically-moderate Hutus during the 1994 genocide.

Kamali, a Rwandan national, appears on Interpol's list of people wanted for their suspected role in the killing spree. There are conflicting reports on whether he was arrested in Washington or Philadelphia.