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India Reports New Outbreak of Bird Flu in Poultry

India is reporting an outbreak of bird flu in poultry, the first case since declaring the country free of the disease last year.

Animal husbandry officials said Wednesday bird flu has been identified in chickens at a farm in the northeastern state of Manipur. About 132 of 144 chickens died there earlier this month.

However authorities still do not know whether they carried the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of the virus.

Manipur is on the border with Burma, which has seen outbreaks of bird flu this year.

Last August, India said there were no cases of bird flu in the country. No human cases of the disease have ever been reported in India.

Bird flu has killed 192 people worldwide since 2003, mostly in Asia.

The World Health Organization says close contact with dead or sick birds is the principal source of human infection.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.