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Commemorations Mark 10th Anniversary of Mother Teresa's Death


Admirers of Mother Teresa marked the 10th anniversary of her death Wednesday with a Roman Catholic Mass, a candlelight procession and interfaith prayers in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata.

Archbishop Lucas Sirkar celebrated the Mass at the headquarters of Missionaries of Charity, the order Mother Teresa founded.

Hundreds of people carrying candles and rosary beads joined processions to visit clinics and schools that Mother Teresa opened slums.

She was known as the "Saint of Gutters" for her work among the poor.

At the Vatican Wednesday, Pope Benedict called Mother Teresa a "real disciple of Christ." He urged the audience gathered in St. Peter's Square to serve the needy, as Mother Teresa did in her lifetime. Nuns of Mother Teresa's order were among the crowd.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner died on September 5, 1997 at age 87.

At the time of her death, Missionaries of Charity ran hundreds of orphanages, soup kitchens, homeless shelters and clinics around the world.

The Vatican beatified Mother Teresa in 2003, six years after her death, and she is being considered for sainthood.

An advocate for her sainthood has published a collection of her letters written to colleagues and superiors over the past years. The collection, titled "Come Be My Light" reveal that she sometimes doubted God and was tormented about her faith.