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Widow of Daniel Pearl Drops Lawsuit Against Al-Qaida, Pakistani Bank


The widow of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl has dropped a lawsuit against al-Qaida, other terrorist organizations, and Pakistan's largest bank.

Lawyers for Mariane Pearl filed a request for dismissal on Tuesday with a federal court in New York. No specific reasons were given for dropping the case.

The lawsuit, which was filed in July, sought an unspecified amount of money from terrorists and banking organizations that Pearl alleged were responsible for her husband's murder.

In particular, the lawsuit alleged that Pakistan's Habib Bank Limited knowingly provided financial services to charities linked to extremist groups.

Daniel Pearl was the South Asia bureau chief of the Journal when he was kidnapped in the Pakistani city of Karachi in January 2002 while seeking an interview with suspected Islamist militants. He was later beheaded.

British-born militant Omar Sheikh and three other men have been convicted of his murder.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.