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British Athletes Train in Macau for 2008

The British Olympic Association says Britain's Olympic team will train in Macau for three weeks before next year's Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.

The BOA said Macau - which built facilities for the 2005 Asian Games - embraces both the athletes' needs and provides top quality training facilities in a safe environment.

While most British athletes will train in Macau on the south China coast, those competing in some events will need additional training facilities. Those events include canoeing, rowing, equestrian, cycling, diving, sailing and swimming.

The Beijing Games start August 8th.

The British Olympic Association also held training camps in northern Australia before the 2000 Games in Sydney and in Cyprus before the 2004 Games in Athens.

The International Olympic Committee has expressed concern about the air quality in Beijing, which is renowned for its high level of pollution. IOC President Jacques Rogge has said some events might have to be moved or postponed if Beijing cannot improve its air quality.

some information for this report provided by AP