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Some Iraqis Mark Anniversary of Saddam Execution

Small groups of mourners have gathered at the grave of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to mark the first anniversary of his execution.

Saddam loyalists visited his grave in Ouja, the deposed dictator's birthplace. Walls in the nearby city of Tikrit were marked by fresh graffiti honoring the dead leader.

The U.S. military says it has not noted any increase in violence attributed to the anniversary.

Saddam was ousted from power in 2003 by a U.S.-led coalition. An Iraqi court later sentenced him to death for the killing of Shi'ite civilians in 1982.

Iraqi security forces have been on high alert in some place for the anniversary.

The village of Dawr, just south of Tikrit, where Saddam was captured hiding in a hole four years ago, is under indefinite curfew.

In other news, the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says results from a medical exam he underwent in London were good and reassuring. It says he is to have more tests on Monday.

Mr. Maliki's office said he left Baghdad Saturday for a check up and treatment for exhaustion.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.