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Zimbabwe Opposition Leader Discusses Crisis with South Africa's Mbeki


The leader of Zimbabwe's main opposition party has met with South Africa's president to discuss Zimbabwe's post-election crisis ahead of a regional summit.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change Friday announced Morgan Tsvangirai met with South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki Thursday. Details of their meeting were not immediately available.

Earlier Thursday, the MDC said it will not take part in any runoff election against President Robert Mugabe, saying the party won the March 29 election "hands down."

Zimbabwe's electoral commission has yet to release any results from the election, fueling fears that Mr. Mugabe is exerting his influence to extend his 28-year rule.

Both Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Tsvangirai are expected to attend an emergency summit of southern African leaders in Zambia Saturday to discuss Zimbabwe's political crisis.

The MDC says Mr. Mugabe has deployed troops nationwide to intimidate the population ahead of a possible runoff vote. The opposition Friday also said police arrested Mr. Tsvangirai's lawyer, Innocent Chagonda, when he demanded the release of a helicopter hired for the presidential campaign.

A Zimbabwean High Court judge, Tendai Uchena, has said he will rule Monday on an opposition appeal demanding the release of the results.

Results from parliamentary elections showed the MDC taking a majority of seats in the key lower house of parliament. Ruling party ZANU PF has said it will contest some of the results, citing irregularities.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.