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Ugandan Government Accuses Rebels of Violating Peace Agreement

Uganda's government says the rebel Lord's Resistance Army is undermining a comprehensive peace agreement by continuing to abduct women and children.

The accusation follows reports that LRA rebels are increasing their numbers through kidnappings in Congo, Sudan, and the Central African Republic.

The human rights group Amnesty International says rebels have abducted more than 350 people over the last three months.

Ugandan International Affairs Minister Okello Oryem told VOA, English to Africa, that the rebels' actions are a direct breach of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement.

The sides signed that agreement and others in negotiations for a final peace deal to end the LRA's 20-year insurgency. LRA chief Joseph Kony was scheduled sign the deal earlier this month, but failed to show for the ceremony.

His whereabouts are unknown. Kony and two of his top aides are wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The LRA is accused of kidnapping thousands of children over the past two decades and using them as soldiers or sex slaves.