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Ghana Opposition Leader Criticizes President Kufuor Over People’s Needs 


The leader of Ghana’s opposition United Renaissance Party is accusing President John Kufuor of being insensitive to the plight of the ordinary people. Kofi Wayo said President Kufuor has reneged on his promise of good governance, as well as addressing the needs of the people. According to the opposition leader, Ghanaians are worse off today than they were when President Kufuor took office.

Wayo is also calling for the people to hold President Kufuor and his government accountable for failing to provide them basic amenities. But the government dismisses the accusations, saying President Kufuor’s administration is the best thing that ever happened to Ghanaians. From the Ghanaian capital, Accra, Kofi Wayo tells reporter Peter Clottey it is unfortunate President Kufuor is not keeping his promise to the ordinary people.

“You got to come down here and look at the country. There is no water. There is no light while women who just had babies are being detained in the hospital. While there is no water for the people to drink and no light, guess what these Africans were doing in the parliament, the NDC, (opposition National Democratic Congress party), the NPP (ruling New Patriotic Party), and the CPP (opposition Convention People’s Party)? They were in parliament debating what type of luxury plane to buy. And these so-called leaders don’t know that water is life. And that 90 percent of all the diseases that are causing death here are water-based. But water is not their priority,” Wayo pointed out.

He described as disingenuous claims by the ruling party that its record of providing for the ordinary people is unparalleled.

“I have not seen anything like this in my life because the so-called big men do not process logic. Now who will make a statement like that? The difference between the NDC government and the NPP is that one will kill you faster and the other one tortures you before you die. You should come here and look at the hospitals. There are no drugs. Even our soldiers have to carry buckets to go and look for water and that is not a priority to the government. Their priority is pump and pageantry, show, dancing and drumming. It doesn’t matter to them that children are dying. I don’t understand it, you know. I grew up in the United States and everybody in America knows that when there is a problem, then there is a problem. Here the guys will benefit from robbing the people. They are the ones telling you this is the best government,” he pointed out.

Wayo accused the government of not doing enough for the well-being of the ordinary people.

“I went to this hospital, and there were a lot of children dead and they put them in the corner. The government will not provide generators to the hospitals and there is no social protection here at all,” Wayo said.