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Gay Marriages Begin in Vermont

Same-sex couples in the northeastern U.S. state of Vermont are now allowed to wed.

Some couples across the state began exchanging vows at midnight, September, when the law took effect.

Vermont authorized gay marriage earlier this year after state lawmakers overrode the governor's veto. It was the first state to approve gay marriage through legislation and not a court ruling.

The other U.S. states that have approved gay marriage laws are Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. New Hampshire's law will take effect January 1.

The District of Columbia has approved a law recognizing gay marriage performed in states where it is legal.

The renowned Vermont-based ice cream company Ben & Jerry's has temporarily renamed their popular flavor "Chubby Hubby" to "Hubby Hubby" (nickname for husband) to show support for the state's new marriage law.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.