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Bush Wants Bin Laden 'Dead or Alive' - 2001-09-17

President Bush says the United States wants terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden "dead or alive." Mr. Bush's comment came during a visit to the U.S. Defense Department.

Mr. Bush says the United States is ready to wage war against terrorism and win. The President's statement came during a visit to the Pentagon where he discussed with top defense officials the mobilization of some 35,000 reserve troops in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks.

During an exchange with reporters, the president was asked specifically if he wanted to see death for Saudi-born fugitive Osama bin Laden, identified by U.S. officials as a prime suspect in the New York and Washington attacks. Mr. Bush replied, "I want justice. There's an old poster out west, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'"

Mr. Bush vowed to hunt down not only the terrorists themselves, but their supporters. He specifically mention the Taleban leadership in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden has been based.

"We're going to find those evildoers, those barbaric people who attacked our country and we're going to hold them accountable, and we're going to hold the people who house them accountable. The people who think they can provide them safe havens will be held accountable, the people who feed them will be held accountable, and the Taleban must take my statement seriously," said the president.

Mr. Bush shook hands with soldiers before leaving the Pentagon. He said the resolve of the military has never been stronger.