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Britain Conducts Moving Ceremony For Sept. 11 Victims - 2001-11-30

Britain has held a national memorial service for its citizens killed in September's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.

Several hundred people attended the memorial service at Westminster Abbey, including many relatives of some 80 British victims of the terrorist attacks.

Among those present were Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip, their son Prince Charles, Prime Minister Tony Blair and his cabinet.

Former American President George Bush represented the United States on behalf of his son, the current president.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, gave the sermon. He said there are no adequate words to condemn what he called the "shameful and evil deeds" of September 11.

He also said there are no religious mandates for acts of terrorism, and those who believe so have committed a terrible mistake. "Those who claim to be serving God by such appalling and indiscriminate bloodshed are cruelly deceived. They besmirch the very basis of true faith," he said.

Archbishop Carey challenged the survivors to help relieve poverty and injustice in world as a tribute to those who died. "We must hope to transform the fear, hatred and despair which offer such fertile breeding ground for terrorism," he said. "Let us seek this not only for those who will come after us, but also for those who have gone before, among them those we mourn today."

During the service, poems were read and special hymns sung at the request of family members.

As the service concluded, Queen Elizabeth led a procession to the Innocent Victims Memorial, located just outside the Abbey. The queen placed a floral arrangement on the memorial and bowed her head. Then each family placed a single white rose tied with a red, white and blue ribbon next to the queen's flowers.