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Bush Urges Schools to Move Quickly with Education Reforms

President Bush says schools around the United States must move quickly to implement the education reforms he signed into law on Tuesday. Mr. Bush says there is no time to waste.

After almost four months in which his public statements centered largely on the war on terrorism, President Bush is speaking out more and more on domestic issues. One day after he signed the education bill into law, he went back before the microphones and TV cameras to urge its implementation.

"We're bringing new resources and higher standards to struggling schools," said Mr. Bush. "We're placing greater emphasis on the basics of reading and math. We're giving parents better information and more say on how their sons and daughters are educated."

The president spoke in a packed Washington auditorium before a crowd of educators, students and local and state officials. At his side were three lawmakers who helped draft the legislation - one Republican and two Democrats.

"Our signature is now on the law, but it was the work of many hands," Mr. Bush went on to say. "Together, we have overcome old arguments and outdated policies. And now, together, let us see the changes through until every school succeeds and no child is left behind."

Mr. Bush clearly wants to highlight the education reform bill as a dramatic example of what can happen when politicians from both major political parties work together. Such bipartisanship is proving in very short supply when it comes to other pieces of important domestic legislation now before Congress.

Among them is a measure to stimulate the U.S. economy. Democrats and Republics are sparring over whether to implement further tax cuts. Democrats say the tax cut plan advocated by the president has already deepened the economic recession. Republicans respond that what Democrats really want is to raise taxes for all Americans.