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Bush To Stress Terrorism Fight at NATO Summit - 2002-05-27

President Bush joins other leaders of NATO countries Tuesday in Rome to begin a new arrangement with Russia. They will sign an agreement creating the NATO-Russia Council.

The president traveled to Italy from France, where he took part in ceremonies Monday honoring America's war dead. He went to the American cemetery in Normandy overlooking the site of the 1944 D-Day invasion that ultimately led to the liberation of France and the defeat of Nazi Germany.

"On Memorial Day America honors her own. Yet we also remember all the valiant young men and women from many allied nations, including France, who shared in the struggle here," he said.

Mr. Bush stressed the importance of continued cooperation across the Atlantic.

"Our security is still bound-up together in the trans-Atlantic alliance. The soldiers in many uniforms defending the world from terrorists at this very hour," he said.

Throughout his week-long European tour, President Bush has been stressing the need for unity in fighting terrorism.

He is expected to continue that theme in his remarks to the NATO summit.