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Bush Honors Polish-American Achievements During State Dinner - 2002-07-18

President Bush honors the achievements of Polish-Americans today when he travels to the state of Michigan with Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski. At a formal dinner Wednesday night, Mr. Bush toasted the friendship between their two countries.

This state visit has been an opportunity for President Bush to thank Poland for its role in the war on terrorism, and strengthen ties between Warsaw and Washington.

In his state dinner toast, Mr. Bush said Poland and the United States are meeting the challenges of a new age together. "America and Poland," he said, "are joined by a commitment to helping each other along freedom's road."

President Bush said the two countries share a vision that is stronger than intolerance, hatred and bigotry. "It is a vision of a world that is free and just," he continued, "a world that respects people's dignity and rewards their enterprise and creativity."

One hundred-thirty guests attended the dinner in the state dining room of the White House. They included many prominent Polish Americans from politics, the arts, sports, and academia.