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Ugandan Army Battles Rebels - 2002-08-07

The Ugandan army has fought several battles this week with the rebels following an attack on a refugee camp in northern Uganda.

On Monday several hundred members of the Lord’s Resistance Army attacked the Acholi-Pii camp, home to twenty-four thousand Sudanese refugees; at least forty were reported killed.

The LRA, led by Joseph Kony, has been fighting the government for more than a decade. The refugees, who fled after the attack, will be relocated to safer locations.

The Ugandan army spokesman, Major Shaban Bantariza, says over the past three days there have been at least three main battles, including the attack on the refugee camp. He says at least twenty-nine rebels were killed, including two commanders.

Major Bantariza says three soldiers, including an officer, were killed Monday at Acholi-Pii. He spoke to English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua.