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Armed Man Apprehended at UN Compound in Baghdad - 2003-01-25

An Iraqi man carrying three knifes has tried to enter the United Nations compound where international arms inspectors are based in Baghdad.

The man, identified as an Iraqi government employee, tried to force his way into the Canal Hotel where the U.N. inspectors maintain their headquarters. He was stopped and searched by guards, who found the knives and a piece of metal on him, according to U.N. spokesman Hiro Ueki.

The man, reportedly in his 20s was handed over to Iraqi soldiers, and there were no reports of any injuries.

In a second incident, another young man flung himself into one of the inspectors' utility vehicles, as it was leaving the compound for the day's search for banned weapons. He was reportedly carrying a notebook and shouting, "save me" in English.

The man refused to leave the vehicle, and was later taken into the compound by Iraqi police and U.N. security. He was also handed over to Iraqi authorities.

The incidents are the first of their kind since inspectors re-entered Iraq in November, following a four-year hiatus.