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Saddam's UN Ambassador Declares 'Game is Over'

As jubilant crowds on a Baghdad square toppled a statue of Saddam Hussein, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed Aldouri, declared the game over.

This is the first time Iraq's U.N. ambassador, Mohammed Aldouri, admitted that the Iraqi president no longer controls Baghdad.

He told reporters he has not communicated with the capital for several days. He said, "the game is over," referring to the U.S.-led war against Iraq.

"The game is over; I hope peace will prevail and that the Iraqi people at the end of the day will have a peaceful life," he said.

Mr. Aldouri made his comments in front of his residence at Iraq's U.N. mission on a day when crowds of Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad, dancing and cheering in celebration. U.S. officials said Saddam Hussein no longer controls the capital.

The Iraqi government maintains its seat at the United Nations until a new government submits its official credentials.