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Coalition Captures 2 More 'Most Wanted' Iraqis - 2003-05-02

Two more officials of the former government in Iraq have been captured by U.S.-led coalition forces.

U.S. officials say the two detained men are on the list compiled by the coalition of the 55 most wanted members of Saddam Hussein's government.

The men whose arrests were announced Friday are Abd al Tawab Mullah Huwaysh and Taha Muhyl al Din Maruf. Mr. Huwaysh was the director of Iraq's Office of Military Industrialization. He is Number 16 on the coalition's list of most wanted Iraqi officials.

Mr. Maruf, who is a Kurd, was one of two vice presidents under Saddam Hussein and was a member of the elite Revolutionary Command Council. He is Number 42 on the list.

U.S. officials did not say how the men were captured.