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N. Korea Criticizes US Troop Redeployment Plan

North Korea has sharply criticized a U.S. plan to redeploy its troops on the Korean peninsula.

Pyongyang's official Rodong Sinmun newspaper says United States force redeployment plans are "a strategy for preemptive attack" on North Korea.

The article calls the plans "a dangerous military move that should not be overlooked."

The U.S. Defense Department announced earlier this month it would move some of its forces back from the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea. The soldiers will gradually move from the north of Seoul to south of the capital.

U.S. military leaders say the move is a revision of the "tripwire" concept, which they now call outdated. Tripwire refers to a strategy of deterring a North Korean attack by ensuring that the 37,000 U.S. troops in South Korea would automatically be involved in defending Seoul.

Pyongyang has a massive artillery and short-range missile capability on its side of the demilitarized zone.

U.S. defense planners say pulling forces out of the range of that artillery would strengthen their ability to launch a counterstrike, and would make them more flexible.

Tensions between North Korea and the United States have escalated since last October. Since then, North Korea has declared it is building a nuclear deterrent to avoid an Iraq-style change of government forced by the United States.

The U.S. ambassador to Japan, Howard Baker, warned Pyongyang Friday to give up its nuclear ambitions, saying "sooner or later patience expires." He characterizes recent North Korean moves as a grave threat to world peace.

The United States says it has no intentions of invading North Korea, but says military action remains among its options in dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat.