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Saudis Arrest Suspects in Riyadh Bombing - 2003-11-11


Saudi authorities are reported to have detained a number of people suspected of involvement in Saturday's suicide bombing of a housing complex in Riyadh that killed at least 17 people. The Saudi king has promised to deal harshly with the Islamic militants thought to be responsible for the attacks.

Diplomatic sources in Riyadh and the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat say the suspects were arrested over the last two days. The suspects were detained on the basis of what Al-Hayat said was important information obtained by Saudi Arabia's security apparatus.

According to the newspaper, Saudi authorities were giving no other information about those detained, but the paper reported that police have determined that two people were in the explosives-packed car that blew up at the housing compound last Saturday.

Saudi Arabia's King Fahd has vowed to strike with what he called an iron fist against Muslim militants who commit such crimes.

U.S. and Saudi officials say Saudi-born terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terror network are behind the suicide bombing, which tore through the al-Muhaya residential compound where mostly Arab expatriate workers lived.