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US Soldier Killed in Mosul Attack - 2003-12-07

U.S. military officials in Iraq say a roadside bomb in the northern city of Mosul has killed one soldier and wounded two others.

Army spokesman Sergeant Kelly Tyler said the attack took place Sunday as a military convoy passed through the city.

On Saturday, an Iraqi police officer was gunned down on his way to work in Mosul. Iraqi security personnel with connections to the U.S.-led coalition are frequent targets of attacks by militants.

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited Iraq Saturday and now has returned to Washington. After making stops in the cities of Kirkuk and Baghdad, Mr. Rumsfeld said the plan to bring more Iraqi forces into the fight against pro-Saddam guerrillas is going forward, and predicted it will produce dramatic advances.

The Pentagon chief observed American soldiers training new members of the Iraqi security forces in counter-insurgency operations and said the United States was right to rapidly bring more Iraqi security forces into the fight.

Mr. Rumsfeld also met with the current head of Iraq's Governing Council, Abdel Aziz Hakim, to talk about the transfer of sovereignty to a new Iraqi leadership, expected to take place in six months.

In London the Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that a former Iraqi military officer says he supplied information to the British government to confirm a claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction at his disposal that could have been used on less than 45 minutes' notice.

The officer, who was identified by the Telegraph as Lieutenant Colonel al-Dabbagh, said warheads containing mass-destruction agents were sent to Iraqi front line units last year. The contents of the warheads were not disclosed, but the officer is quoted as saying they were small enough to be fitted on rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

The newspaper says the weapons were intended to be used only in "critical" circumstances, and at Saddam's personal order, but that command never came, as the U.S.-led coalition swept through Iraq and the former government in Baghdad crumbled.