The relocation of Sudanese refugees continues in eastern Chad, where at least 95,000 people have crossed the border to escape fighting in Sudan’s Darfur region. The goal is to move the refugees farther from the border where they are targets of cross-border attacks from militias. But it’s a slow process.
Jennifer Clarke is a spokesperson for the UN refugee agency, the UNHCR. From Geneva, she spoke to English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua about the status of the relocation operation. Monday, the UNHCR says it “completed the second convoy in its relocation operation.” A total of 218 people were relocated from Wandalou, only 200 meters from the border, to the Farchana camp, about 55 kilometers from the Sudanese border. The first relocation occurred on Saturday when nearly 150 refugees were taken to Farchana. More refugees are scheduled to be moved tomorrow.
Ms. Clarke says two other sites for possible refugee camps have been located. The refugees are scattered along a 600-kilometer border.
Click above links to download or listen to interview with UNHCR.