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China's President Arrives in Cairo


Chinese President Hu Jintao landed in Cairo on Thursday to begin talks with the Egyptian government on improving trade.

Mr. Hu and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak are expected to discuss ways to increase bilateral trade, begin joint agricultural projects and share information technology.

The Chinese ambassador to Cairo, Wu Sike, said Wednesday China is ready to transfer technology to Egypt in all fields.

China exported about $830 million worth of goods to Egypt last year, nearly five times the amount of Egyptian exports to China.

The two leaders plan to review a strategic partnership accord they signed in 1999 to encourage economic links.

China supports Egypt's desire to make the Middle East a nuclear weapons-free zone, and both countries support a rapid return to Iraqi sovereignty.

Egypt and China have had diplomatic relations for nearly 50 years. President Mubarak has made eight visits to Beijing since he took office in 1981.

On Friday, Mr. Hu will meet with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa, who says he plans to encourage China's participation in a forum on Asian-Arab cooperation through the Arab League.