At least 21 people were killed and many others wounded Saturday in Iraq's restive Sunni triangle when insurgents attacked a police station to free prisoners being held in the compound.
The attackers fired rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons at the police station in a daring attack in the troubled town of Fallujah Saturday morning. Scores of prisoners held at the police compound were reportedly released by the attackers.
Police and hospital officials in Fallujah say there may have been up to 50 attackers who took part in the assault. Most of the dead were said to be Iraqi policemen and several civilians caught in the crossfire.
The attack came two days after the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East was ambushed in Fallujah at the same compound.
General John Abizaid's convoy was assaulted with rocket-propelled grenades from nearby rooftops Thursday, although no injuries were reported.
Attacks on Iraqi security forces have surged recently. Two car bombings this week, one outside a police station and another at an army recruitment center, killed over 100 people.
Fallujah has been one of the most troublesome and violent towns in Iraq for U.S. soldiers. Fallujah is an area where Saddam Hussein drew a lot of support.