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Bush Calls on Sudan to Respect Cease-Fire in Darfur - 2004-07-13

President Bush has again called for the Sudan government to stop raids by Arab militiamen that have displaced more than one million people.

President Bush says he is deeply concerned about the humanitarian and human-rights crisis in the southern region of Darfur, where armed raids have driven many Sudanese from their homes, some across the border into neighboring Chad.

"I call upon the government of Sudan to stop the Jinjaweed violence," he said. "I call on all parties of the conflict to respect the cease-fire, to respect human rights, and to allow for the free movement of humanitarian workers and aid."

For the sake of peace and basic humanity, President Bush says the United States will continue to work with the United Nations and the African Union to bring peace to Sudan.

The government in Khartoum denies backing the Arab militias, but has promised to disarm them while giving aid workers greater access to displaced civilians.

The State Department says Sudan has yet to live up to those promises, and it is threatening possible sanctions against Khartoum if it does not follow through.