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Bush:  9/11 Commission Report 'Constructive' - 2004-07-22


President Bush says a bipartisan commission investigating the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has made constructive recommendations about how to prevent future attacks. Leaders of the commission presented their report to the president Thursday.

President Bush says the commission has made very solid, sound recommendations about how to move forward to prevent another terrorist attack.

He thanked Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton for their work on the commission, and said he will consult with members of his administration and Congress to better safeguard the American people.

"These two men bring a common sense approach to how to move forward," he said. "They recognize what I recognize, and America recognizes, that there is still a threat, and that we in government have an obligation to do everything in our power to safeguard the American people."

The president initially resisted establishing the commission, and then tried to limit its term. Mr. Bush finally agreed to meet with commission members only on the condition that he appear alongside Vice President Dick Cheney.

Administration officials say restrictions on that meeting concerned issues of national security and separation of powers, because the head of state appeared before a Congressionally-mandated commission.