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Putin: International Solidarity Needed in Fight Against Terrorism - 2004-10-05

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for international solidarity in the fight against terrorism.

At a Kremlin ceremony accepting credentials of new ambassadors to Russia, Mr. Putin warned against double standards in battling terrorists, an apparent reference to countries that have granted political asylum to Chechen separatists.

He also stressed the importance of neutralizing terrorists and isolating their political lobbyists and ideologues.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Alexia Cordon announced plans for a new regional organization to eliminate money laundering.

The organization is to be launched Wednesday at the end of an international conference in Moscow on fighting financing for terrorists. Members are to include China and several former Soviet republics.

Recent terrorist attacks in Russia have claimed more than 400 lives, including a three-day siege on a school in Beslan in which more than 330 people died.