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Afghan Police Fire on Rioting Inmates


After a day-long truce, violent riots resumed inside one of Afghanistan main jails. Police shot into a crowd of inmates killing one and injuring at least three others. More than 1,000 inmates led by Taleban and al-Qaida prisoners seized control of the high-security prison Saturday.

The police reportedly opened fire Tuesday as hundreds of rioting inmates tried to break out of their cell block after negotiations with government authorities failed.

Prison officials say Taleban and al-Qaida inmates are directing the uprising, which erupted late Saturday in the high security prison just outside Kabul. Four inmates were killed during rioting in the following two days.

Authorities had been voicing cautious optimism that the standoff would be resolved without additional bloodshed.

Speaking to reporters late Monday, the government's lead negotiator Sibghatullah Mojaddedi said the inmates submitted a list of demands and had agreed to move into a more secure area inside the prison.

The inmates are seeking better conditions in the notoriously overcrowded jail, as well as a general amnesty for a number of prisoners. About one-fifth of the 2,000 inmates are believed to be Taleban or al-Qaida members.