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Aide to Late Pope Installed as New Archbishop of Krakow


A long-time personal secretary to the late Pope John Paul II has been officially installed as the archbishop of Krakow, Poland - the post once held by John Paul II.

Krakow's new archbishop, Stanis?aw Dziwisz, praised the work of the late pontiff at a ceremony Saturday attended by tens of thousands of people at the city's Wawel royal cathedral.

The 66-year-old former papal aide replaced the popular cardinal of Krakow, Franciszek Macharski, who retired at the age of 78. Pope Benedict XVI appointed Archbishop Dziwisz to the post in June.

Archbishop Dziwisz was Pope John Paul's personal secretary throughout his 27-year papacy that ended with his death earlier this year. Archbishop Dziwisz had been John Paul's aide for 40 years, including in Krakow.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.