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Chilean Court Strips Pinochet of Immunity in Human Rights Case

Augusto Pinochet
(2003 file photo)
A Chilean court has stripped former dictator Augusto Pinochet of immunity from prosecution for alleged human rights violations during his rule from 1973 to 1990.

The Santiago Appeals Court Wednesday ruled 11 to 10 to strip the 89-year-old retired general of immunity. The case involves the 1975 killings of 119 dissidents whose bodies were found in neighboring Argentina.

Last month, a Chilean court lifted General Pinochet's immunity from prosecution in a tax evasion case stemming from his multi million-dollar bank accounts secretly held in the United States.

General Pinochet has suffered a number of strokes in recent years and has evaded prosecution because of his failing health.

More than 3,000 people died or disappeared during the general's 17-year rule.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.