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Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 16 in Baghdad

Iraqi police say at least 16 people were killed and many more wounded in a string of attacks in and around Baghdad Thursday.

In one of the bloodiest incidents, police say a car bomb killed at least six people and wounded 27 others in central Baghdad.

Elsewhere, at least three people were killed and at least 12 were wounded when a suicide attacker blew up his explosives-filled car near a market.

In eastern Baghdad, police say a roadside bomb targeting an Iraqi army patrol killed one soldier and wounded four civilians.

Meanwhile in London, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said Iraq is at a "critical juncture" and risks descending into further chaos and violence.

Speaking Thursday at a think tank, she also said British troops will stay in Iraq as long as the Baghdad government wants them there.

Meanwhile, the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein for actions against Iraqi Kurds has been adjourned until November 27.

On Sunday, the court in a separate trial condemned the former Iraqi leader to death by hanging for ordering the killing in 1982 of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites in the village of Dujail.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.