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World Welcomes 2005, Tsunami Victims Remembered


Celebrations of the New Year 2005 were muted around the world as people remembered the tens of thousands of people killed or still suffering as a result of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster.

Thailand and Turkey canceled traditional fireworks displays and parties. Malaysians and Indonesians took part in prayer services.

Most New Year's Eve celebration's that were held included a moment of silence for the victims as well as fund raising efforts for disaster relief.

Some reports also suggest as many as 10,000 visitors from outside Asia are still missing in the disaster zone.

Many Europeans were on Christmas holiday vacations at south Asian beach resorts and nearly 3,600 Swedes, 1,000 Germans and 700 Italians are still missing.

U.S. officials believe about 3,000 Americans were in south Asia but it is not clear how many of them were in dangerous areas.