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EU Lawmakers to Seek Prison Testimony from US Senators, CIA Boss


European Union lawmakers say they hope to question two U.S. senators and the CIA director about reports of the agency's use of secret prisons in Europe to house accused terrorists.

The head of a European Parliament committee, Italian lawmaker Giovanni Claudio Fava said the testimony would be part of a probe into the alleged prisons in eastern Europe.

He said European lawmakes will ask Senators John Kerry and John McCain, as well as CIA director Porter Goss, and his predecessor, George Tenet, to speak to the panel.

Officials say the interviews would be voluntary, because the panel has no legal authority to subpoena witnesses.

Testimony would also be sought from human rights groups that may have information about the reports of prisons used for terrorism suspects.

European lawmakers have raised concerns that the alleged action led to human rights violations.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.