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Kosovo's President Tells Former Commander to Form New Government After PM's Resignation


Serbian officials are reacting with outrage at the possibility that an ethnic-Albanian guerrilla commander they accuse of war crimes may become Kosovo's next prime minister.

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu Thursday asked former guerrilla commander Agim Ceku to form a new government, one day after the resignation of Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi. Mr. Kosumi had faced increasing criticism from the ruling coalition, which regarded him as ineffective.

Ceku, who led the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serb troops in 1998 and 1999, says he is willing to assume the post.

Belgrade has accused Ceku of war crimes against Serb civilians during the fighting.

Serbia and Kosovo are involved in U.N.-sponsored talks on the future of the Serbian province. Ethnic Albanians want independence, while Serbia wants to retain some control.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.