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Tensions Mount Over Togo Presidential Elections

Opposition supporters armed with sticks speed past a sign for ruling-party candidate Faure Gnassingbe
Togo's interim leader, Abbas Bonfoh, says Sunday's presidential elections will take place as scheduled, and he fired a powerful minister who called for a delay.

Interior Minister Francois Boko was fired Friday after calling for a transitional government, saying that holding the April 24 poll would be "suicidal" amid rising political tensions. Hours later, the Togolese government announced Mr. Boko had been replaced.

Opposition leaders have held protests - during which several people were killed - saying that Togo is not ready to hold a free and fair election.

The country was thrown into chaos after the government installed the son of longtime leader Gnassingbe Eyadema after he died in February. West African leaders pressured Togo to hold fresh elections.