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Baghdad Car Bombs Kill at Least 11


Two car bombs have killed at least 11 Iraqis in Baghdad.

Police said the bombs went off Thursday at a gas station and at a crowded outdoor market in eastern Baghdad. At least 70 people were injured. Earlier, a roadside bomb killed three Iraqi soldiers in the capital.

Also on Thursday, a U.S. helicopter fired rockets into a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad during a clash with gunmen. Iraqi officials said the airstrike killed a woman who was not involved in the fighting.

The U.S. military said the helicopter returned fire while pursuing "known Sunni Muslim terrorists" in the Sadr City area of the capital.

In other violence, five U.S. servicemen died in several attacks, including three in a roadside bombing.

Gunmen also kidnapped two Iraqi journalists working for Sumariya TV, an Iraqi station as they were returning to their office in Baghdad.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.