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Bangladesh Ends Search for Building Collapse Victims

Officials in Bangladesh say they have ended the search for victims of a building collapse that killed 1,127 people.

The search of the building that housed several garment factories near Dhaka, the capital, ended Tuesday.

Recovery workers found a survivor of the accident Friday who had been buried under the rubble of the building for 17 days.

Sunday, the government said it plans to raise the minimum wage for garment workers in response to protests linked to last month's collapse.

The April 24 accident near Dhaka sparked days of demonstrations by garment workers against their pay and working conditions.

Authorities have arrested at least nine people in connection with the collapse.

Officials say the running of several heavy generators on upper floors may have contributed to the collapse because the structure was not built to support them.

The Bangladesh government says it has shut down 18 garment factories for safety reasons following the collapse.