April 1, 2013

Washington Nationals relief pitcher Rafael Soriano warms up before an Opening Day baseball game against the Miami Marlins in Washington D.C.

A riot policeman avoids petrol bombs thrown by Bahraini anti-government protesters, unseen, during clashes in Diraz, Bahrain. Clashes erupted after the funeral for Abdul Ghani al-Rayes, who relatives and activists say collapsed and died outside of a police station.

Venders sell newspapers to motorists that are stopped in traffic in Rangoon, Burma. For most people in Burma, it is a novelty that privately-run daily newspapers are hitting the streets. Many weren't even born when a state monopoly was imposed on the daily press in the 1960s.

Smoke bombs explode near South Korean army tanks during an exercise against possible attacks by North Korea near the demilitarized zone (DMZ) in Hwacheon, South Korea.