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Do TV Shows Show the Reality of US Life?

Pop culture discussion
Pop culture discussion
Last week we got into a discussion on Facebook and Twitter about American pop culture, and how accurately TV shows and movies portray life in the U.S.

You all mentioned watching shows that ranged from The Oprah Winfrey Show to Friends to CSI, and had mixed opinions on how true to life they might be.

Lachlan Wittick, who comes from Australia and is currently studying in the U.S. examines the truth of pop culture portrayals of American college parties on his Open Salon blog, asking:
Movies like American Pie and Sorority Boys have made them famous around the world. So what REALLY happens at a typical College party?

What American TV shows and movies are your favorites, and how accurate do you think they are in showing what life in the U.S. is really like?