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Honduran Candidate Calls for Protest, Vote Recount

The leftist presidential candidate in Honduras has called on her supporters to protest the results of Sunday's election that an electoral court says was won by the conservative candidate of the ruling party.

Xiomara Castro has demanded a recount and has charged voter fraud in the election won by Juan Orlando Hernandez.

Castro, the wife of toppled ex-president Manuel Zelaya, vowed to deliver proof that what she described as "a disgusting, monstrosity" has robbed her of the presidency.

With almost 90 percent of the votes counted, the court says Hernandez has won 36.5 percent of the votes with Castro winning almost 29 percent. The rest of the votes were divided among the six other presidential candidates. A candidate does not need a majority to win.

International observers monitoring the election said the balloting process was conducted without irregularities.

Election officials say voter turnout was high.

Honduras, known as the murder capital of the world because of its soaring homicide rate, is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.