The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is headed for India’s biggest election victory in the last 30 years, clearing the way for its prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, to take charge of the world’s largest democracy.
India's Bharatiya Janata Party Poised for Landslide Win

Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, the presumptive prime minister of India and leader of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), seeks blessings from his mother, Heeraben, at her residence in Gandhinagar, in the western state of Gujarat, May 16, 2014.

Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi (center), the presumptive prime minister of India, gestures as he arrives to seek blessings from his mother, Heeraben, at her residence in Gandhinagar, May 16, 2014.

ក្រុមកម្មករយកចេញក្បាលរូបចម្លាក់នៃអតីតមេដឹកនាំសូវៀតលោក Vladimir Lenin ដែលបានកប់នៅក្នុងព្រៃនៅភាគខាងកើតក្រុងបែរឡាំង។ ដុំរូបចម្លាក់ធ្វើពីថ្មក្រានីតទម្ងន់ ៣,៥តោន ដែលត្រូវបានកប់នៅក្នុងព្រៃជាយូរយារណាស់មកហើយនៅជាយក្រុងនោះ នឹងក្លាយជាចំណុចទាក់ទាញមួយនៅក្នុងពិព័រណ៍សារមន្ទីរថ្មីពីបុគ្គលជាន់ខ្ពស់ ដែលបានដើរតួនៅក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដ៏ច្របូកច្របល់របស់អាល្លឺម៉ង់។

Amit Shah, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), throws garlands towards BJP supporters during celebrations after learning of poll results outside the party headquarters, in New Delhi, May 16, 2014.