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Libyan Parliament Speaker Declares Election for Prime Minister Illegal

There is confusion in Libya where the acting speaker of parliament has declared Sunday's election of a new prime minister by lawmakers invalid.

Forty-two year old businessman Ahmed Matiq took the oath of office after apparently receiving 121 votes in the General National Congress. One-hundred and 20 are needed to win.

But the most Matiq received in earlier balloting was only 113 votes. It is still unclear how many rounds of voting actually took place.

This led acting speaker of parliament Ezzedin al-Awami -- currently the highest-ranking Libyan official -- to declare Sunday's election invalid and illegal.

He asked outgoing Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani to stay in office until a new vote is held. Mr. al-Thani resigned earlier this month because of threats against against his family.

But other lawmakers insist Matiq was elected legally

Libya has been struggling to establish a lasting government since the 2011 overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi.

Militia groups that helped oust the longtime leader continue to operate over wide areas of Libya, including in eastern Libya, where they have seized control of major ports.