May 22, 2014

The 3.2 gigapixel Global Selfie mosaic, hosted by GigaPan, was made with 36,422 individual images that were posted to social media sites on or around Earth Day. NASA asked people around the world to answer a question “Where are you on Earth Right Now?” on social media, with a selfie. The goal was to use each picture as a pixel in the creation of a “Global Selfie” – a mosaic image that would look like Earth appeared from space on Earth Day. People on every continent – 113 countries and regions in all – posted selfies.

Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) soldiers ride rubber boats near Eniyabanare Island during a military drill, off Setouchi town on the southern Japanese island of Amami Oshima, Kagoshima prefecture, in this photo taken by Kyodo.

A boy gestures with a knife in front of a barricade that is on fire during a protest after French troops opened fire on protesters blocking a road in Bambari, Central African Republic.

A hippopotamus has its teeth cleaned by a keeper in its enclosure in Qingdao Wildlife World in Qingdao, east China's Shandong province, China.