Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says "nobody's going to beat" Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska despite her opposition to Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination.
President Donald Trump has said Alaskans "will never forgive" Murkowski and that she'll "never recover" politically.
McConnell told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday that "she's certainly going to recover." He pointed out that Murkowski won election as a write-in vote in 2010.
"She's about as strong as you can possibly be in Alaska. Nobody's going to beat her," he said.
Murkowski bucked her party and voted against advancing Kavanaugh's nomination. She voted "present" in the actual confirmation vote.
Kavanaugh had been accused of sexual misconduct in high school and college. Kavanaugh strongly denied the allegations and is now on the Supreme Court.